I know the date on this shot. It was taken December 25, 1997. We had given my daughter Amy a 35mm camera
for Christmas. I gathered up my Nikon, and Amy and I took cameras out to see what we could shoot. We ended up
at the oldest part of the cemetary at Saturn, Miller, and Garland Roads in Garland.
We walked through the cemetary reading and photographing the tombstones.
When the film came back, Amy had shot half a dozen stunning pictures; I got this one, half decent shot. That's
why she's the artist, and I'm the engineer.
Baby Bill (1997) |

Old Garland Cemetary, Garland Texas |
The dates on the stone tell the whole sad story.
A little boy born in a hard winter. Something wasn't right. An infection? A birth defect? Born premmature? We'll
never know. 19th Century medicine could not help him, so he lived only a week. His parents could never know
what he might have become, who he might have been, but they loved him so much, they gave him a stone bigger than himself.
That stone brought a tear, more than a century later, to another father's eye.