Photography by G.Bruce White
TRAC in Winter
Some Examples of My Work
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Dallas had a record breaking snowfall February 11-12, 2010.  These are some panoramas I shot on Friday, February 12, 2010 at the Trinity River Audubon Center.
Click on the image for a larger view

Trailhead in Winter
Trinity River Audubon Center in Dallas, Texas.

Top of the Overlook in Winter
Trinity River Audubon Center, Dallas, Texas

South side of the Overlook Trail in Winter
Trinity River Audubon Center, Dallas, Texas

Trinity River Vista in Winter

On March 19-20, 2010, Dallas had a First-Day-of-Spring Snowstorm.  (Folks in cooler climates might call it a "dusting of snow," but for Dallas, several inches of snow counts as a storm.)  It didn't last long, but I tried to get some more Winter (albeit offically Spring) panoramas.

Adventure Trail in Winter
Trinity River Audubon Center, Dallas, Texas

West Patio of the TRAC Building

Click on the image for a larger view. 
Each panorama is a mosaic of 60 individual images. I shot these with a tripod mounted Nikon D80 through the Nikon 35mm f/1.8 lens. The panoramas were stitched using Hugin - Panorama Tools Frontend.
The 60 10 Megapixel images stitch into a 319 Megapixel, 1.2 Gigabyte TIFF image!  The images on this website are reduced to 1/100th the size of the TIFFs and are stored here in JPEG format to compress them a little more.

© 2010, G.Bruce White

Rights to reproduce and use the photos on this page for any non-commercial, educational purpose are granted exclusively to Trinity River Audubon Center, Dallas, Texas.  All other rights are reserved by the copyright holder.

Website Content  © 2010,  G.Bruce White -- All rights reserved

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