Dallas had a record breaking snowfall February 11-12, 2010. These are some panoramas I shot on Friday,
February 12, 2010 at the Trinity River Audubon Center.
Click on the image for a larger view
Trailhead in Winter |
Trinity River Audubon Center in Dallas, Texas. |
Top of the Overlook in Winter |
Trinity River Audubon Center, Dallas, Texas |
South side of the Overlook Trail in Winter |
Trinity River Audubon Center, Dallas, Texas |
Trinity River Vista in Winter |
On March 19-20, 2010, Dallas had a First-Day-of-Spring Snowstorm. (Folks in cooler climates might call it
a "dusting of snow," but for Dallas, several inches of snow counts as a storm.) It didn't last long, but I tried to
get some more Winter (albeit offically Spring) panoramas.
Adventure Trail in Winter |
Trinity River Audubon Center, Dallas, Texas |
West Patio of the TRAC Building |
Click on the image for a larger view.
Each panorama is a mosaic of 60 individual images. I shot these with a tripod mounted Nikon D80 through the Nikon
35mm f/1.8 lens. The panoramas were stitched using Hugin - Panorama Tools Frontend.
The 60 10 Megapixel images stitch into a 319 Megapixel, 1.2 Gigabyte TIFF image! The images on this website are
reduced to 1/100th the size of the TIFFs and are stored here in JPEG format to compress them a little more.